Challenges of adapting to overnight changes - Addasu i'r newidiadau lu

MAI  2020  MAY


Sales for some products have collapsed, whilst others have soared over the last few weeks - thankfully, we have a reasonably diversifed portfolio of ranges.

I'm sure that you will have found your usual business patterns turned upside down. 

No one knows your business better than you.  One of our prinicple aims over this Crisis period has been to stay in touch with customers, ready to respond if we can.

If you are not fully aware of our ranges, click on the link below - we call this site our online warehouse for trade:

We may have a range that didn't used to fit within your business, but it might do now. 

We are also well positioned to respond to new market needs as we tend to focus on supply chain builiding and are lucky to have a network of contacts. If there's a product you're convinced that would sell, but you can't find it, let us know.

We've done some other changes as well such as reducing the minimum order to £50 for free delivery anywhere in the UK, and developed a re-fill system for the large Blodyn Aur 5L and 20L plastic containers. 

Let us know how you are and planning to adapt.

Wishing continued good health to as many as possible. 

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Mae gwerthiant rhai o'n cynnyrch wedi dymchwel, tra bod eraill wedi saethu fyny dros yr wythnosau diwethaf - diolch byth, mae gennym bortffolio amrywiol o gynnyrch.

Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch wedi gweld bod eich patrymau busnes arferol wedi'u troi wyneb i waered hefyd.

Does neb yn 'nabod eich busnes yn well na chi. Un o'n amcanion ers dechrau'r Argyfwng hwn oedd ceisio cadw mewn cysylltiad â chwsmeriaid, gan fod yn barod i ymateb os gallwn.

Os nad ydych yn gwbl ymwybodol o'n dewis o gynnyrch, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod - rydym yn galw'r wefan hon yn "warws ar-lein" ar gyfer ein cwsmeriaid masnachol:

Efallai fod gennym gynnyrch nad oedd yn arfer gweddu i'ch busnes, ond gallai wneud nawr.

Rydym hefyd mewn sefyllfa dda i ymateb i anghenion newydd y farchnad gan ein bod yn tueddu i ganolbwyntio ar adeiladu cadwyn gyflenwi ac yn ffodus i gael rhwydwaith o gysylltiadau. Os oes cynnyrch rydych chi'n argyhoeddedig fyddai'n gwerthu, ond ni allwch ddod o hyd iddo, rhowch wybod i ni.

Rydym wedi gwneud rhai newidiadau eraill hefyd megis lleihau'r isafswm archeb i £50 i gael danfoniad am ddim unrhyw le yn y DU, ac hefyd wedi datblygu system ail-lenwi ar gyfer jariau plastig mawr Blodyn Aur 5L ac 20L.

Gadewch inni wybod sut rydych chi'n addasu.

Pob iechyd i chi gyd, a chofion.

